Tuesday, November 14, 2017

How to get Smooth Camera Shots

What I learned from this video

I watched a YouTube video that was 8:41 long that taught me a lot about how to take smooth, cinematic shots.
I enjoyed this video as it compares a hand held shot to a warp stabilizer, which is a very important tool in order to take careful and stable shots. I also learned that if in your footage, the shots are blurred or have motion blur, you are going to have to use a higher shutter speed. By using slow motion, camera shots can be stable and look very clean! If your camera can't shoot in slow motion, try 4k and then using the post production technique during the editing stage to pan and zoom the shot in the editing to make it seem as if the camera was zooming and panning. Finally, by using just a simple stabilizer, you can film a very long, fast, and smooth shot. All of these techniques are almost essential in the making of a film to have smooth shots.

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