Monday, November 20, 2017

Camera - Tips and Tricks for Film Production (cinematography)

Tips and Tricks to keep in mind while filming

As with any film production, you need a cinematographer. Whether you use a good one or a bad one, the tips in this video will help develop your filming skills even further. If you are filming a character walking from right to left, the next scene should keep that same direction to not confuse the audience.  That same rule applies to the 180 degree rule when doing interviews, so that you don't switch sides and confuse the audience. If you don't have a camera, you can always use your surroundings to steady your shot. Another very important tip I learned was that if you are filming someone at a window and they fall black into the background while the natural light outside overpowers the frame, put new/extra light on the person to reverse this camera effect. I was very interested in becoming a better cinematographer, and this video gave me tips to do so. 

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