Tuesday, May 23, 2017

End of the year Animation Reflection

Technology Skills

While in Animation I learned a lot of technical skills. I learned them from tutorials and teachings. Its important to have these skills in order to pursue an animation career. I faced many challenges including confusion and computer difficulties with the program. My strengths include 3D modeling and after effects projects. My weaknesses include using photoshop and illustrator to create a scene. I may use my special effects skills to add them to any future video I may make. I would change the details I never added when I made my projects. 

Collaboration Skills

Collaboration was a large part of e-Communication in animation. Especially in our final project collaboration was a huge part in order to finish the project as a group. We all had assigned roles and we worked together to complete the task at hand. I personally didn't face any challenges because everyone got along very well in my group. My collaboration strength would be contributing in projects by using my animation skills. My weakness would be to bringing ideas to the table. I am going use these skills in my work in order to help out. 

Communication Skills

Communication is very similar to collaboration. Getting along and talking to figure out each persons position in the project was important. Also communication was important even while working alone. In case you have a question its important to have communication in order to ask your peer a question. I had no challenges in this field. My strength for communication is talking and assigning roles. I will use this skill in work as well.

Project Management Skills

Arguable the most important skill to learn and have for the rest of your life. You learn this skill by being responsible and turning your projects in on time. I typically didn't face any challenges, but if I did, it would be not enough time to finish a project. My strength for project management is turning things in on time. My weakness would be to rush and lack detail on those projects. I would change the amount of time I spend messing around when I could be adding more detail.

Leadership Skills

Being a leader means taking responsibility for your team. Its important because no team is successful without a leader. Again, which my team we didn't have any leadership problems because we all just did as we were told, and that was that. I would say as a strength that I am very good at taking initiative. My weakness would be that I am not always the right leader for every job or project.

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