Tuesday, May 23, 2017

End of the year Video Reflection


I learned how to work the cameras and film using cool techniques that make the films look more professional. I learned them from watching other videos and films for inspiration and from Mr. Coopers teachings. It was important to learn these techniques, because this is the field I want to work in. I did face technical problems with the cameras. My greatest strength is editing and my weakness is  being a cinematographer. Every time I create a film I improve my cinematography. I am going to look for a career using video editing techniques. I would change the angles and little mistakes made in my films. 


It is important to work with your peers and collaborate with them in video. In fact, this in my opinion is the most essential part to creating a good film. I learned this skill from being randomly placed in a group with members I may not even know. My strength is helping come up wth video ideas, and my weakness is following through with all of those ideas. The challenges I faced were arguments about what we should do next with the story, but besides that everything went great. I am going to pursue a future and career with what I've learned. 


This I believe is the second most important skill for video. I learned how to take and implement ideas with my classmates. It's very important to lay down your ideas with the team and talk with them in order to create the best film that you can. My strength is talking to my team and my weakness is giving constructive criticism on ideas they may have during the film because I think it's rude. I will use these skills in school to gain better relationships with the people around me. 

Project Management

Even though I may not edit everyday in class, I always turn in my project by the due date no matter what. I have never had a late project. I always use my filming time as efficiently as possible as well. My greatest strength is turning projects in on time. My weakness to project management is not using everyday I get to its fullest. 


Being a leader in video means taking responsibility for your team. I learned leadership by nature and time. I faced challenges by little arguments of ideas. My main strength is knowing what to do and taking initiative. My weakness as a leader is planning everything out. I will you the leadership skill I have learned for just about any situation. 

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