Friday, March 31, 2017

Animation Plausible Impossible


It is plausible to think that you could simply walk through a mirror. The Reason is because when you see your reflection, you could think you could go straight through it. The reality is that it is physically impossible to walk through a mirror because it is a physical object.


In this scene, a telephone is using the cord to jump rope with Mickey Mouse. For a little mouse, if he knew how to jump rope it is plausible to see how a long cord can be spun in order to jump rope. But, yet again it is impossible because phones don't come to live, and a mouse doesn't know how to jump rope.


Cards as we all know, need to be shuffled. But can they shuffle themselves? The answer is obviously no. But in a cartoon like this, they used cards that come to life shuffle themselves, which makes sense because thats what cards do.

Pen Rifle

When Mickey is running away from the cards chasing him, he picks up a pen and used the ink as ammunition against the cards. Pens are infamous for exploding or releasing ink, which makes this scene plausible to happen. Although, he uses a button or lever on the pen to shoot the ink, which is not the case in real life because you can get ink to the tip of the pen but not completely shoot it out, making it impossible for this to happen.


Finally, Mickey manages to hold off the cards by turning on a fan, which ultimately blows them away. This is very plausible, as fan do blow wind and air, which cards are vulnerable to blow away from. The only impossible reason for this scenario is that a mouse cannot turn on a fan by himself.

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