Thursday, October 29, 2015

Daniel's Personality Type

Personality Type and Relations:

The highlighted text above is my personality meaning, (Personality Explanation Link), that explains what my personality means. I took a personality test of 64 questions, (Personality Test Link), that gave me the letters "ESFJ." Then as explained before I got the meaning of it using the explanation link. "ESFJ" means that I am caring and cooperative. I also try and create a peaceful environment with work well done. Lastly, I am always loyal and help with what I can to other people in their every-day lives. As you may probably guess, I am not the only person with this personality type, a famous person by the name of Vin Diesel shares this personality type with me.

How well this personality relates to me:

I'd say that this personality is very much like me, actually! The fact that I am energized by spending time with others just like me. The part where it says that I pay attention to facts and details, only applies some of the time. I don't always pay all my attention to facts and details. 

Does this personality type help me understand myself a little more?:

Finding out that this is my personality, really does explain some of my actions. One action that this personality type explains is how I do not hold grudges and I forgive very quickly. It also explains how when I am alone I feel "lost" in a way. I need to be around people, and I always text and call my friends.

Golden Retriever:

I took a Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver test (Animal Personality Test Link). Each of these animals represent a different personality. I ended up getting the Golden Retriever, which goes hand-in-Hand with the "ESFJ" personality type. The Golden Retriever personality means good at making friends, loyal, caring, and is very calm.

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