Thursday, October 22, 2015

Article Post

Article Summary:

A college in Maine, a high school senior posted badly about an informational meeting on social media. When that student later applied to a college of her choice, they rejected her not only for that post but for the bad ones in the past as well. The school isn't the only place that checks your social media, jobs also take a look at your social media. Good posts are also viewed by the schools. If they find a good and/or education post they may reward you.

What surprised me!

It surprised me to figure out how a simple bad post can be used against you, by not allowing people to enter the college they want.

Questions I have?

The question I had was if my school did this. Can the college that I want to attend to really reject my application as a result of bad posts?

What I learned:

I definitely learned that I have to be careful on what I post on social media. I also learned that schools and jobs can reject applications from negative social media history. 

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