Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Professional Project Review Animation Post

Link to Animation:


The creator of this project is a YouTuber with over 1 Million subscribers on his channel. This video is a profession project about his past experience in working at the Subway fast food restaurant. This video is a cartoon animation. This past story of his life was told in a comedy perspective to be made funny and entertaining. A voice over was used in this video as well. I may add the voice over to a future animation that I make that tells a storyline. I have already learned how to move characters/objects, which was used in this project. The creator did an amazing job on explaining his story in a creative, animated, and entertaining way.


theodd1sout comic. "Work Stories (subway)." YouTube, 30 March 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV542dRK3uk. 6 December 2016.

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