Friday, December 16, 2016

Animation Portfolio Reflection

Watermelon Project:

This is my most recent of my favorite animations. The most important thing I learned through this project is the ability to draw a character/icon/prop, and be able to scan it into the computer and later animate it. In my animation I drew a watermelon that has separate arms, legs, body, eyes, mouth, and other body parts. I picked this project to get the unique feel of creating an animation created originally from me. I was easily able to draw and scan my character into the computer. The most challenging part of this specific animation was to get a synced walk cycle. I've improved my walk cycle tremendously by creating more projects that included a walk cycle, and I plan to continue to improve. I would move the arms of my character in a future edit. In conclusion, my walking watermelon animation was created through my drawing and put into a walk cycle that was somewhat challenging.

Story Animation:

I created this story animation by combining all of my past skills into this story. I decided to make my story based on a Mother owl who flies away and the children owls are left alone. In this project I combined Arcs, Timing, Puppet Pin, Multilayer, Walk-Cycle, and Keyframe Interpolation/Eases. I decided to see what I could make by combing my preterite knowledge. I was able to create the different scenes and put them together with ease. I had a little trouble with animating the eggs cracking, but in the end it looked very nice. Finally, if I were to change anything, I would color correct some of my props.

3D Castle:

In the making of my castle I used the program 
Maya. Using this program I learned the basics in making 3D objects. I picked this project to 
prove to my self that I wasn't limited to 2D 
projects. Im proud of the textures I used in the final product. I would create a floor to my castle if I was to go back. Over time I've gotten better at walls, floors, and textures even more than before. I am going to make more 3D animations with the knowledge I've gained in this program. In the end, I will make more projects like this one in 3D, using textures and more complex designs.


Second, I made a hammer and nails with Maya. This was one of my most complex 3D projects. I learned how to use vertices and faces to make more complex polygons such as hammer heads. I picked this project to create a project made of more than just simple shapes. I'm very pleased with the entire hammer and how it turned out. I would improve the nail next time I had the chance. In conclusion, I am going to bevel the nail to have rounder edges and fix the point on the nail to seem more realistic, but I am overall satisfied with my hammer project.

Ice Cream 3D Animation:

This project is my first Animated 3D project. I chose this project in order to see if I had the potential to animate a 3D project. I learned how to do so. Im proud of everything that I created in this animation with an exception on the textures. I would definitely go back and redo the textures, because I had "booleans-unioned" the Ice cream, so unfortunately I could not go back and texture them. In the end I think I came through with the project because I got it to animate with great looking props.

3D Realistic Pen:

For my final 3D project of the semester I made a pen that I own in real life! I chose to do this so I could create something that I owned so I could recreate it on my computer! I am very proud of this pen and it is my all time favorite 3D project by far. It was a challenge to make the clips and the tip of the pen. Despite those obstacles, I still managed to complete the project almost identical to my real life pen. I learned how to use the soft select tool in order to bend a polygon in my favor to create something new and unique. I'm most proud of this project! Finally, Making this realistic pen that I own in real life was a lot of fun to create and compare to my real pen!

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