Friday, December 16, 2016

Animation Portfolio Reflection

Watermelon Project:

This is my most recent of my favorite animations. The most important thing I learned through this project is the ability to draw a character/icon/prop, and be able to scan it into the computer and later animate it. In my animation I drew a watermelon that has separate arms, legs, body, eyes, mouth, and other body parts. I picked this project to get the unique feel of creating an animation created originally from me. I was easily able to draw and scan my character into the computer. The most challenging part of this specific animation was to get a synced walk cycle. I've improved my walk cycle tremendously by creating more projects that included a walk cycle, and I plan to continue to improve. I would move the arms of my character in a future edit. In conclusion, my walking watermelon animation was created through my drawing and put into a walk cycle that was somewhat challenging.

Story Animation:

I created this story animation by combining all of my past skills into this story. I decided to make my story based on a Mother owl who flies away and the children owls are left alone. In this project I combined Arcs, Timing, Puppet Pin, Multilayer, Walk-Cycle, and Keyframe Interpolation/Eases. I decided to see what I could make by combing my preterite knowledge. I was able to create the different scenes and put them together with ease. I had a little trouble with animating the eggs cracking, but in the end it looked very nice. Finally, if I were to change anything, I would color correct some of my props.

3D Castle:

In the making of my castle I used the program 
Maya. Using this program I learned the basics in making 3D objects. I picked this project to 
prove to my self that I wasn't limited to 2D 
projects. Im proud of the textures I used in the final product. I would create a floor to my castle if I was to go back. Over time I've gotten better at walls, floors, and textures even more than before. I am going to make more 3D animations with the knowledge I've gained in this program. In the end, I will make more projects like this one in 3D, using textures and more complex designs.


Second, I made a hammer and nails with Maya. This was one of my most complex 3D projects. I learned how to use vertices and faces to make more complex polygons such as hammer heads. I picked this project to create a project made of more than just simple shapes. I'm very pleased with the entire hammer and how it turned out. I would improve the nail next time I had the chance. In conclusion, I am going to bevel the nail to have rounder edges and fix the point on the nail to seem more realistic, but I am overall satisfied with my hammer project.

Ice Cream 3D Animation:

This project is my first Animated 3D project. I chose this project in order to see if I had the potential to animate a 3D project. I learned how to do so. Im proud of everything that I created in this animation with an exception on the textures. I would definitely go back and redo the textures, because I had "booleans-unioned" the Ice cream, so unfortunately I could not go back and texture them. In the end I think I came through with the project because I got it to animate with great looking props.

3D Realistic Pen:

For my final 3D project of the semester I made a pen that I own in real life! I chose to do this so I could create something that I owned so I could recreate it on my computer! I am very proud of this pen and it is my all time favorite 3D project by far. It was a challenge to make the clips and the tip of the pen. Despite those obstacles, I still managed to complete the project almost identical to my real life pen. I learned how to use the soft select tool in order to bend a polygon in my favor to create something new and unique. I'm most proud of this project! Finally, Making this realistic pen that I own in real life was a lot of fun to create and compare to my real pen!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Technical Animation Blog

How to animate rendered screen shots from Maya:

Step 1- Open Adobe After Effects

Step 2- Right click, hover over import, and select file...

Step 3- Click on the first clip and check off the "JPEG Sequence" box

Step 4- Open the click and drag in into the timeline

Step 5- Set your setting and press render on the bottom right side

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Professional Project Review Animation Post

Link to Animation:


The creator of this project is a YouTuber with over 1 Million subscribers on his channel. This video is a profession project about his past experience in working at the Subway fast food restaurant. This video is a cartoon animation. This past story of his life was told in a comedy perspective to be made funny and entertaining. A voice over was used in this video as well. I may add the voice over to a future animation that I make that tells a storyline. I have already learned how to move characters/objects, which was used in this project. The creator did an amazing job on explaining his story in a creative, animated, and entertaining way.


theodd1sout comic. "Work Stories (subway)." YouTube, 30 March 2016, 6 December 2016.

Professional Animation Article Blog

Link to Article:


This article is about tips on making Animations. There are plenty of tips in this article that aid in your work or steps to achieve the best animation skills or "tools" to help a smooth transition into this line of work! This article helps a lot and has some of the greatest tips about animation. Simple shots, story boarding, feedback on your work, are only part of the other great tips that this article has in store. If you want to begin a a career in the animation industry I recommend reading over this article to find some helpful tips that can improve your animation skills. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Professional video blog


In this interview, it was not done by a professional like a news reporter, but it still uses the same techniques as a professional interview. An interview like this shows the true potential in camera and person placement. Even though you are not a professional, using tricks like the rule of thirds, over the shoulder shots, 180 degree rule, and eye contact can really make the interview seem professional. This was a casual interview that was made to look outstanding due to the same rules and techniques used and learned in our very Video class.