Friday, November 4, 2016

Technical How-To Blog for Video

What are J and L Edits?

In a J-Edit, the sound of the next scene precedes the picture, and in an L-Edit, the picture changes but the audio continues.

How-To make J and L Edits:

J and L Edits are nearly essential to videos such as in stories! Knowing the difference and how to preform these editing tricks is a handy way to improve any video!

Step 1:

In editing any video the first step is to collect all your clips into your timeline.

Step 2 (J-Edit):

The next step would be to separate the original clip where you would like to enter in a J-Edit. After you do so you want to fit the desired clip to use the J-Edit on in between the original clip and put the Picture of the video above the original clip and the Sound portion of the desired clip under the two. Next silence the original clip volume and erase the desired clip picture so that the desired clip sound plays over the original clips picture.

Step 3 (L-Edit):

Finally, the last edit is the L-Edit. This edit in my opinion is the easiest one to understand and make! In order to preform this effect, you must place the desired clip picture above the original clip and the Sound portion of the desired clip under the two clips once again. Then you want to mute the sound of the desired clip on the bottom while muting the picture of the original clip. Therefore the original clips's sound is playing while the desired clips picture is as well. That is an L-Edit.

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