Monday, September 21, 2015

Daniel's Logo

This is my new and improved logo. Through a long process of trial and error, I finally managed to finish my logo in the style and way that I wanted. I used a sharp font to symbolize risk and excitement. I also used circles on the exterior to hold my logo together and make it look nice. I am very proud of my logo and was a lot of fun to think about and create using adobe illustrator. The circle shape that I used for my logo was because of it's popularity and how it brings the whole logo together for a nice finish. I used the color blue because it symbolize trust, honesty, and loyalty, and anyone who gets involved with my logo/company with benefit from those things.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like the comfort that the blue gives the design. the sharp text gives a nice contrast to the whole, round circle. Good job man!

  3. Your logo is really cool and I love the blue in the background. The black outline goes really nice with the thick font
