Monday, September 21, 2015

Daniel's Logo

This is my new and improved logo. Through a long process of trial and error, I finally managed to finish my logo in the style and way that I wanted. I used a sharp font to symbolize risk and excitement. I also used circles on the exterior to hold my logo together and make it look nice. I am very proud of my logo and was a lot of fun to think about and create using adobe illustrator. The circle shape that I used for my logo was because of it's popularity and how it brings the whole logo together for a nice finish. I used the color blue because it symbolize trust, honesty, and loyalty, and anyone who gets involved with my logo/company with benefit from those things.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Daniel's Pathfinder

This is the object I made using pathfinder. It is the Android Bot. I used pathfinder especially for the head. To make the had I made a full perfect circle and then made a square on the bottom half of it. Last, I used the pathfinder to subtract the square from the circle, therefore leaving a half circle. Through this process I learned how effective using pathfinder really is! I cant imagine myself not using pathfinder anymore.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Daniel's Dot Matrix Font

Emotional, understated, progressive, and relaxed where the categories that I was. I am emotional because I feel like something feels right and am certain about it. I am understated because I feel like the words are best told when it's directed to me and for my ears. I feel like I am progressive because I believe that new ideas and terms will eventually overtake some of the traditional ones. Last I am relaxed, because I will take what is available rather than to stay and be picky about it. For these reasons, Dot Matrix Font matches my personality the most.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daniel's cool color wheel

This is my cool/geometric color wheel opposed to my original, typical color wheel. The triangle in the middle is broken up into three pieces. Those pieces in the triangle represent the three primary colors. The hexagon behind the triangle is also broken into three pieces. These three pieces represent the three secondary colors. Finally, the outer circle represents all of the colors of the color wheel, which includes- Primary colors, Secondary colors, and the remaining tertiary colors.

My color wheel that I have made here is my finished product of my goal which was to improve the basic color wheel to create something with more style and and appeal more than the first color wheel. In tis project I learned how to split a shape using lines and then how to color fill the new shape individually, ultimately to learn how to color the shapes I ask a fellow class mate to help me out. The next time I would do a color wheel I would add more design and uniquely change the appearance. I would keep the same, the way I colored it and the colors of the color wheel. I will draw creativity and color for my next project. Making this color wheel was a lot of fun and gave me a minor experience in the world of graphic design.