Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Suicide Prevention- PSA (Personal Project Blog Post)


What was the concept that your group came up with for the assignment?
As a group we all came to the concept of Suicide Prevention. We all felt that this topic was important, but we had to think of a way to film a video without offending anyone. It also had to be appropriate for everyone to watch so a lot of planning went into this PSA.
What was your process?
After coming up with our topic we immediately began to think of ways we can create this video to avoid the controversy. We came up with the idea of a silent film with music in the background. Next we started coming up with songs that would fit out story perfect, and then we found 'Mansion' by NF. Then we began to storyboard and plan our events in order that they would happen. We wrote a script and came up with roles for each member of the group (I'm the editor). Of course we then started filming the video which took us about 3 days. Finally, I edited the video and uploaded it to YouTube.

What was your role in the process and what did you learn along the way?
I was the Final Editor. When the filming was over I put all the clips together, color corrected, and used special effects to express the true meaning of this PSA. I learned a lot during my editing that I've never used before. I learned how to color correct, blur and follow through the screen while blurring, and matching a song with what happens in the video. 
How did you use your Technical and Professional Skills for the making of the PSA?
I used my technical skills and techniques of filming to help come up with certain angles to help us get a good shot. I also used my knowledge of editing to piece together a great final product. Professionally, I helped create a group chat for all the members in our team so we could communicate and plan our production schedule furthermore. I took leadership when I came up with the idea of Suicide Prevention and to make our video silent with music in the background.
What would you do differently and why?
If I was to do this PSA over again, I think I would definitely take more time in the filming process to make sure we get the perfect amount of shots to fully bring in together the film. More shots and including them into the final edited video would solidify our storyline.
What would you do the same and why?
I found that the editing tactic of putting music behind the film really helps bring out the storyline without the use of voices from the actors. I would also use the blurring special effects on future videos, just because I learned how to use them very well.
What experiences will you draw from to enhance your next project?
I think storyboarding helps us a lot especially for long term. While editing its nice to have the storyboard to order the time of your events. As you film as well, the storyboard helps keep you on track form what clips need to be filmed and where.
General thoughts and conclusions?
Overall I really enjoyed making this PSA and I hope it makes an impact on others and those watching it.